The City of Edinburgh Council Gratuity Scheme (Ex Gratia)

This is paid to pensioners who were not entitled to join the Fund before 1st April 1986 and met certain criteria such as part-time working hours and had at least ten years continuous service.  As a result of this, they were awarded a benefit by the way of an annuity.  This is in addition to their main scheme pension if they joined the fund when eligible.

Teacher’s Compensation

We pay retired members of The Teacher’s Pension Scheme a compensation payment on behalf of their employer. This is in addition to their main scheme pension which is paid by the Scottish Public Pension Agency. Please note that you are not a Local Government Pension Scheme member.

Children’s pension

Eligibility for children’s pension

If your pension started before 1 April 2015, then the pension is payable until your 17th birthday regardless of education status. Any pensions that started after that are payable until your 18th birthday.

After your 17/18th birthday, your pension can only continue to be paid if you’re in full time education or training. If you’re in full time education or training, then your pension can continue up until your 23rd birthday. We’ll write to you for confirmation of your educational status. 

Please note, if you’re due to finish full time education in the summer, we’ll continue to pay your pension until the 15 August.

A pension is also paid in certain circumstance for life to children with physical or mental impairment.

National Insurance number check

The Pensions Regulator requires that we have a National Insurance number for all members of the pension scheme. National Insurance numbers are normally issued just before your 16th birthday, so we’ll request this information for those approaching age 16 around this time.


My Pension Online